A successful Chapter 7 bankruptcy includes the discharge of many debts, essentially releasing the consumer from the obligation to repay what he or she owed. This often brings tremendous relief to those who are struggling with overwhelming debt, but it also leaves a...
Shoplifting, retail fraud in Michigan is no laughing matter
What many people would chock up to a teenage peer pressure crime is actually more serious than they think. Shoplifting, known as retail fraud here in Michigan, comes with some stiff penalties depending on the circumstances. The state has three degrees of retail fraud...
The often-forgotten consequence of a DUI: Auto insurance
For many Michigan residents, seeing flashing lights in their rearview mirrors causes anxiety, especially after having drinks before driving. If police arrest a driver on suspicion of DUI, the driver may be thinking about how it will affect any current employment,...
What are some common bankruptcy exemptions?
Michigan residents may be like many across the country who are struggling at this time to make ends meet due to job loss, the closing of their businesses or unexpected medical expenses. For many, this may mean falling further and further behind on their bills and...
How do traffic tickets affect trucking companies?
Michigan residents who hold a commercial driver’s license may already know that the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration holds them to a higher standard than “civilian” drivers are. For example, if a truck driver refuses to participate in an alcohol breath...
Settlement company may not provide debt relief
The ads look enticing, and for someone who is struggling with overwhelming debt, the promises a debt settlement company makes may be too good to resist. A debt settlement company may offer an easy alternative to bankruptcy and promise to eliminate debt altogether....
What elevates a DUI to a Super DUI?
Most Michigan residents would agree that life is a bit “weird” right now. Current events have made a lot of people want to relax, have a few drinks and forget their troubles. Problems arise when they have a bit too much fun and then get behind the wheel of their cars....
Reasons for consumer credit card debt surprise experts
Far from being a handy resource in an emergency, credit cards are more frequently becoming the go-to source of payment. This means that Michigan consumers who charge routine purchases when they are financially sound are likely not putting money aside for when hard...
Traffic tickets are more than just inconvenient for truck drivers
No one is a perfect driver, but that does not stop the trucking industry from being heavily regulated to keep its drivers as close thereto as possible. For this reason, traffic tickets take on more significance to those with a commercial driver’s license than they may...
Even some basic information about gun laws could prevent trouble
The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution gives people living in this country the right to bear arms. However, the federal government and the states, including Michigan, can impose certain restrictions on individuals in order to protect the rights of everyone. For...